Dupont State Forest
Mountain Biking
The mountains of Western North Carolina provide some of the best mountain biking trails to be found anywhere in the United States.
Dupont State Forest with 10,400 acres offers mountain bikers nearly 90 miles of varied trails ranging from easy to challenging; from easy forest roads to exciting single track. Riders can enjoy the scenic views and waterfalls while biking on the trails.
The Brevard Bike Path is a easy, flat trail, nearly 5 miles long and begins at the Davidson River Campground.
Pisgah Forest, 3 miles from Brevard, NC, is another great area for biking. It spans 500,000 acres and is primarily a hardwood forest with whitewater rivers, waterfalls, and hundreds of miles of trails. Bent Creek Experimental Forest, about half-way between Brevard and Asheville is another popular area with great biking trails.